How can you reach a deep meditative state quickly and effortlessly?

How can you reach a deep meditative state quickly and effortlessly?

I have no idea, if you know let me know!
There are no profound results without effort… much less in a short time without effort.

There are people who can meditate in the first sitting, but most of us need dedication and practice.

Let’s remember that it’s one thing to practice of meditation and concentration, and another thing to actually meditate.

There’s not much of a secret. Just as regular practice of asanas can improve your stretch, flexibility, and strength, regular practice of meditation will bring you deeper meditative states.
Just as stretching can advance by, for example, 1 millimeter per year (or per month… each organism is different), concentration can also be trained. Maybe today you can only maintain concentration 20 seconds (between thoughts), next month you could be able to maintain 25 seconds between distractions… and so on, conquering your meditation month by month.

There are tips that can help you, but the main thing is practice and dedication.
Some tips are:

– decrease the consumption of stimulants in the form of drinks, food or electronics.

– practice at the same place and time whenever possible.

– clothes: if the practice is at home, do not wear the same clothes you wore to work.

– if you have the option, choose a quiet place with dim light.

– practice regularly, often. If you leave it to do only once a week, the evolution will be slow.

– change the technique. If you’re not moving forward, even if it’s slowly, change your technique. Maybe you’re trying to meditate for 20 minutes each sitting and charging yourself half the time for lack of concentration. One solution is to sit for just 5 minutes more times a day.

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