What is mudrās?


Mudrá is a posture of consciousness, a sustained state of consciousness. There are different mudra practices / techniques, involving: contemplations, directing prana, specific positions of the body or hands. Here we will see specifically mudras that use the hands.

Hasta Mudrás are reflexological, symbolic and energetic / magnetic (hand made) gestures. Some mudrás can have the 3 effects together.

Reflexological gestures: gestures trigger different states of consciousness and emotions. It is no coincidence that at different times and in different cultures, the same gestures can have the same meaning, triggering the same emotion, such as the palms together in front of the chest. Mudras form part of the collective unconscious.
The hands act as antennae channeling energies found in akasha. Each mudra has a frequency that attunes to a specific energy from the universe.

Energetic gestures: mudra works on pranamayakosha, the energetic body. The hands have chakras (energy centers) through which prana (vital energy) circulates.
Depending on the gesture, it will be absorbing / capturing, projecting or enhancing this energy.
The position of the fingers also determines the energetic effect. For example by joining two fingertips (in the same hand), you will be conserving 2/5 of energy that would be released.
The position of the hands in relation to the body will also determine their effect. For example, if you place your hand in front of a main chakra, it will affect the energy of that vortex. We must also take into account that each finger corresponds to a different element, so the activation of a particular finger will do a different energetic job in each case. In fact, each finger corresponds to a different element, chakra, emotion and organ.

Symbolic gestures: some gestures simply symbolize animals or elements of nature. Even so, it always connects us with some emotion. In the subtle body, the trishula mudra (shiva weapon to combat ignorance) will not have the same effect as the padma mudra (lotus flower).

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