Bhastrikā Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama, accelerated breathing is also known as rapid blowing or bellows breathing. In some schools it may take another name.
It is a pranayama to include in your daily life, especially in the morning when you wake up, or when you need a little extra energy.

Some features of Bhastrika Pranayama:

To practice Bhastrika Pranayama start by doing some diaphragmatic breaths (adhama pranayama) and then speed up your breathing, keeping your inspiration and exhalation for the same duration. Each cycle (inspiration / exhalation) should be approximately 1 second, but in the first practices you can experiment it more slowly. Being a pranayama that requires muscle, maybe the first few times you will get tired quickly. In this case, the first practices take only 30 seconds and gradually increase until several minutes.  When you can stay a few minutes without slowing down, try doing some twists (still sitting) or side bends. During execution, try not to move your chest or shoulders. Keep your face as relaxed as possible.

Let’s practice together:

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